this is the link if the title didn't give it to you:
NationStates is your own country, you decide what type of government it is, the country name, the national animal (real or not) the national currency (again, real or not) the flag based on different worldwide flags.
And than you see a profile of your country.
The profile is always changing because each day you get 1-2 issues. After you decide which side of the issue to go on it will change overnight and the profile will say most of the things that are and aren't legal.
It also says your rank in the stupidest citizens, rank in your region, and rank of the Largest Cheese Export Sector. It also tells your population.
The profile also talks about the tax and government.And for me the country category is always changing.
There is also a forum, FAQ, and News. You could also be a part of the World Assembly.
Even better is that it's free. But you can't see your country or your population.
The website is based on a book called Jennifer Government, This is the cover:
Its hard to explain what it's about but it looks good and if you want to know more about it click here:
There are also other books by the author (Syrup, Jennifer Government, Company & Machine Man)